Triazzle is based on the popular puzzle by Dan Gilbert. It looks deceptively simple but there’s only one solution out of thousands of possibilities. Good luck!
Game Play
To start the game, click anywhere on the screen or select Begin Game from the File menu.
Selecting Pieces
You can select any piece by clicking on it and holding the mouse button down (letting go of the mouse button de-selects the piece). In a pile of pieces, clicking on any piece will bring it to the top of the pile.
Moving Pieces
You can move a piece by clicking it and moving the mouse with the button held down. When the piece is dragged over an open space of the puzzle, that space becomes highlighted. When a space is highlighted, the piece will snap into place if you release the mouse button.
Rotating Pieces
You can rotate a piece by quickly clicking on a piece. You can rotate a piece counter-clockwise by holding down the Option key when you click.
You can also rotate a piece when you’re dragging it by tapping the Spacebar.
Solving the game
When you solve a puzzle correctly, all the creatures in the puzzle will come to life. If your completion time was exceptional, you can enter your name in the High Scores list.
Game Commands
File Menu
New Game
This starts a new game with the current settings.
This opens a saved game.
This saves the current game.
Begin Game
This spins the puzzle pieces out of the board and starts the timer.
Pause Game
This pauses the current game.
Replay Game
This starts the current game over. This is handy if you made a mistake late in the game and want to start over from the beginning.
This quits Triazzle.
Board Menu
Junior Triazzle (Beginner), Star Triazzle (Intermediate), Triazzle (Advanced)
You can select a puzzle shape and level of difficulty with these menu selections. There are five levels of difficulty for each shape.
Custom Board...
This allows you to create a custom board with the shape, background, and characters that you desire. You can also choose the number of hints available and how many edge pieces are shown.
High Scores...
This displays the high scores for all levels.
Options Menu
Game Sounds
Game sounds are played when you click, rotate, or match a puzzle piece. They are on by default.
Rain Forest Sounds
Rain Forest sounds are the ambient jungle noises that are heard periodically. They are on by default.
This turns the timer on or off. Games played with the timer off will not have scores kept for them.
Full Screen
This allows you to switch between playing Triazzle in a window or full screen. Full Screen only works on displays larger than 640 x 480 pixels and allows you to use the extra space to move pieces around.
Help Menu
This gives you a hint which you can use in two ways:
1. You can click a puzzle piece and the space it should go will flash;
2. Or you can click on a part of the board and the piece that belongs there will flash.
Note: this does not necessarily show the correct orientation, just where the piece belongs.
The small question marks underneath the Hint button show how many hints you have.
How To Play...
This displays a quick reference screen.
Triazzle Help...
This brings up this online help screen.
About the Rainforest...
Select this to see information about the rain forest environment and the creatures in this game. Click a button for information about that particular subject.